C701单座控制阀是一种顶部导向型单座阀,该系列产品吸收了国内外同类产品的优点,并进行了提升、创新。在设计和工艺及装配等方面达到国内外同类产品的先进水平其结构紧凑、体积小、流道通畅,流体通道呈S流线型,流量特性曲线精度高,稳定可靠维护简便 。
The structure is simple & compact with: smooth flow passages, high accuracy in flow characteris- tic curves, stable & reliable, economically practical, and easy to maintain. Based on a conventional type, it is designed and developed through modular extension which is capable of producing special structures such as: the C7 series angle type single-seat valve, bellows seal single-seat valve, and insulated jacket type single-seat valve for user selection.