案例分析 I 2023-12-11

RAYS Triple Offset Metal Seated Butterfly Valve

Triple Offset Metal Seated Butterfly ValveTriple Offset Butterfly Seated Valves are a type of high-performance butterfly valve, also known as triple eccentric metal-seated butterfly valves. These valves are designed with a triple offset structure that provides tight sealing characteristics, making them excellent for high-pressure and high-temperature applications. Technical ParametersProduct Type: Triple Offset Metal Seated Butterfly ValveSize Range: DN50-DN1200 or 2″-48″Pressure Rating: From 150LB to 2500LBOperating Temperature: From -196C to 650CConnection Type:RF, BW, LUG,WaferMaterial: Carbon steel (such as WCB), stainless steel (such as CF8/CF8M), alloys (such as Monel), duplex steel, etc.Suitable Medium:Butterfly Valves are designed to control fluid types such as water, oil, gas, steam, etcOperation Mode: Handle, turbine, gas-hydraulic linkage, electric, pneumatic, electro-hydraulic linkage, etc Product FeaturesGood sealing performance: Due to their eccentric design, when the valve is closed, the disc can tightly fit against the seat, achieving metal-to-metal sealing and minimizing leakage.High temperature and pressure tolerance: Metal sealing components enable triple offset butterfly valves to withstand higher temperatures and pressures, making them more durable than ordinary rubber or PTFE sealed butterfly valves.Longevity and low maintenance costs: Reduced friction means less wear and tear, leading to an extended service life and lower maintenance costs. The three “offsets” implication:First offset: The disc is offset from the shaft axis, which allows for reduced friction between the disc and the seal during opening.Second offset: The shaft axis is offset from the pipe centerline, which further reduces friction and wear between the sealing surfaces.Third offset: The centerline of the sealing surface is offset, often with the disc sealing surface and seat sealing surface being conical. This conical configuration allows for a tighter seal upon closure. Because of these characteristics, triple offset butterfly valves are very popular in critical processes within industries such as oil and gas, chemical, heating, and water treatment.…

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案例分析 I 2020-12-31


浙江欧菲给泰国某一超临界电站机组供应的超临界电站阀准备发货。在此之前本项目的泰国电站业主方全部采用欧洲进口电站阀用于超临界高温高压的关键位置,此次经过多次技术交流/产品设计思路和质量跟踪控制规范,业主对我司用于苛刻工况的电站阀的设计/制造/质量控制方面产生了充分的信心和信任。此次项目背景/工况:该电站项目位于泰国著名的旅游度假海岛上的发电站机组, 项目代号”SKIC TG18”,EPC承包商为” SCG”,介质为高温高压蒸汽, 当蒸气的温度达到510℃时, 最高的压力达到100 Bar (10兆帕)。此次产品的规格/材料订单的产品规格为电站自密封电动截止阀,尺寸压力为10”-1500LB ,主体材质为F91, 采用了欧洲进口的AUMA执行器,型号为SA16.2-AC01.2-CK40.2(15-1)-F40电站自密封手动截止阀尺寸压力为6” -1500LB,主体材质为F91电站自密封旋启式止回阀尺寸压力为14” -1500LB,主体材质为F91订单的产品设计特点本次订单一体式整体锻造F91材质, 设计寿命25年。经过严格的质量控制, 筛选出优质的锻造毛胚供应商, 在原材料以及机加工过程检验阶段通过PMI元素成分分析、射线RT探伤、PT渗透测试等无损检测程序严格把控各承压件的产品质量。此外在加工过程中, 全流程追溯加工环节的各个尺寸的质量和工艺控制。检验检测要求在最终的成品检测期间邀请了通标标准技术服务有限公司(SGS)对尺寸、压力测试环节进行见证,最终达到了成品合格率100%的要求,顺利启运交付业主使用。电站阀简介:“电站阀”也称电站专用阀门,主要适用于火力电站各种系统的管路上,切断或接通管路介质。适用介质:水、蒸气等非腐蚀性介质。电站阀门与其他阀门产品相比的特点是高温高压,独特的自密封设计,压力越高,密封越可靠。由于性能技术特性、工况的特殊使产品也形成了其他产品所替代不了的特点。电站阀结构优势:1.采用压力自紧式密封,阀体支管两端为焊接连接。2.阀坐、阀瓣密封面采用钴基硬质合金等离子喷焊而成,耐磨、抗擦伤性能好。3.特殊材质阀杆经特殊工艺处理,有良好的抗腐蚀性和抗擦伤性。…

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