•阀杆双重安全结构:为防止未知原因所引起的阀杆破损、飞出而造成的突发事故、在阀杆上下端两处设计了各自独立的阀杆飞出防止机构,完全符合标准API 609和使用安全需求。
◎ 设计标准:API609、ASME B16.34、 BS 6364
◎ 主体材料:低温钢、不锈钢、合金钢等
◎ 尺寸范围:NPS6~NPS80/DN150~DN2000
◎ 压力等级:Class150~ Class 300/PN10~PN50
◎ 温度范围:-196℃~120℃
◎ 应用场景:液化天然气(LNG)工艺系统,用于流量调节和控制系统压力;化工工艺系统,如制冷剂、液氧、液氮等的输送系统;食品加工,如液态食品传送系统等。低温高性能蝶阀是一种高性能的流体控制阀门,广泛应用于低温液气体的输送和处理系统,例如冷冻、液化气、液氮等。同时,由于其优越的密封性能和可靠性,也被广泛应用于石油化工、化学、医药、食品等行业。
The “Double Block and Bleed Isolation Philosophy” requires two in-line isolation valves and a bleed valve, used to drain or vent trapped fluid between the two closure elements in order to safely isolate safely the downstream pipe. This feature can be achieved with one single valves c/w a bleed port between the obturators.
The resilient seat butterfly valve, also known as a centerline butterfly valve, is a component used for controlling flow and isolating sections in piping systems. The structural feature of the centerline butterfly valve is that the stem axis, the center of the butterfly disc, and the center of the body are all aligned in the same position. This design is simple and easy to manufacture. A common example of this type is the rubber-lined butterfly valve.